Ashwagandha Withania Somnifera as the name suggest it is Ashwa means Horse Gandha means fragnance but it Horse power for us. It is a Herb which helps improve Strength and Immunity.
It has been used for Physical as well Psychological problems.
It is also Known Asgandha, Asgandh, ashgandh, Amukura, ajagandha, Askulang, askandha, Amukkura, amukira, amukkuram, Asandh, Aasandha, amukkara, asuragandi, Asvagandha, Ashvagandhi, ayamodakam, ayurvedic ginseng, clustered winter cherry, Doragunj, dorgunj, Dommadolu Gadda, Ghoda Aakun, ghodasoda, ghoda ahan, ghoda akan, Indian ginseng, hajarat el dib, kanaje hindi, keramaddinagaddi , nagouri asgandh, nagori asagandha, Palasparni, Pivari, Pushtida, Penneru Gadda, rasbhari, siberian ginseng, tilli, trittavu, Vajeekari, Varahakarni, Withania Somnifera, winter cherry,
Effect on Tridosha
Increases Vata dosha reduces Kapha and Pitta Dosha.
- Anxiety
- Anti oxidants
- Bodybuilding
- Depression
- Immunity
- Insomnia
- Leucoderma
- Muscle strength
- Sexual stimulant
- Vajikaran
- Weight gain
- Weight loss
Grind it and take One to two teaspoons twice a day if possible add Shatavari with a Cup of Hot Milk. Or as directed by your doctor.