Traditional Ayurvedic Kanakasava which is made of 5 to 7 % self-generated alcohol is widely used in the treatment of respiratory conditions such as cough, bleeding diseases fever, and Aasthma
It is a natural mucolytic and bronchodilator. It is also used in treatment of bleeding diseases, injuries and chronic fever. It helps to relieve heavy chest mucous congestion
- Asthma
- Cough
- Chronic Respiratory Disease
- Chronic Fever - Jeerna Jwara
- Chronic COugh with Phelgm and Blood
- Phtisis
- Pulmonary tuberculosis
- Raktapitta - Bleeding Disorders
- Yakshma – useful in tuberculosis
Effect on Tridosha
Balances Kapha
1 to 2 Teaspoon once or twice a day, usually after food.
If needed, it can be mixed with equal quantity of water.
Side Effects
Kanakasava if taken in very high dosage, it may result in side effects resembling datura poisoning.
Pregnancy and lactation During pregnancy, it is best to avoid this / take this only under medical supervision.
During lactation period, it can be taken in lower doses, based on doctors advice
Bharangi , Dhataki, Dhattora , Draksha , Kantakari, Madhu , Nagakeshar , Pippali Sharkara, Sunthi Talisa, Vasa , Yashti Kanakasava