Natural Agro are the Manufacturer of Good Quality Awala candy(Jaggery). The daily consumption of at least one Amla keep the disease at the bay. Consumption of Amla has assured certain benefits for the human health like:-
Health Benefits of Awala Candy.
- Amla for Jaundice: - Due to the presence of anti-bacterial and anti-astringent properties it has thus proved in eliminating jaundice whether it’s a yellow jaundice or white jaundice. Amla juice thus reduces the percentage of joindice
- Amla for Asthmatic patient: - It is useful for asthmatic patients. Use it with honey by mixing with it in a small portion. The ayurvedic property of gooseberry thus, increases the respiration process thereby causing greater increase in health.
- Amla for Diabetic Patients: - Gooseberry contains the therapeutic value. So, diabetic patients can use it because it has lower sugar to fiber ratio. It increases the insulin production from the pancreas and lowers the blood sugar level.
- Amla for Heart diseases:-It is helpful for heart patients because it has pectin in greater portion which lowers the cholesterol level. Amla stimulates the isolated groups of cells thus preventing heart attacks.
- Amla for eye care:-The mixture of Amla with honey is very useful for eye care. It strengthens the vision and protect from infection due to its anti-bacterial activity. It improves nearsightedness and cataract and reduces intraocular tension
- Amla for hair care: - It enriches hair growth and hair pigmentation. It gives strength to the roots and protects the hairs from getting damaged. Applying Amla paste gives colour and luster to the hair.
- Amla for better digestion of food:-The use of Amla removes the constipation, diarrhea, dyspepsia and dysentery. It is also very helpful in many gastric syndromes and hyperchlorhydria.
- Amla for anti-aging effect: - Amla is an anti-aging agent which is relating to hyper-lipidemia. It boosts the immune system and prevents inflammation due to its anti-microbial activities
- Gooseberry is also used as a remedial action for fever, liver disorder, indigestion, anemia, urinary problems, respiratory problems, cerebral, gastro and cardiovascular illness etc.
This awala candy is available in jaggery form in which you do not need to add any sugar or sweet something to flovour this awala the jaggery is already added in awala all you have to do is just consume it and enjoy the benefit of awala.