Noble - Black Circles Liquid Complex

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: Noble Life Energy

₹ 230.00 ₹ 235.00

Black or dark circles under the lower eyelids are more common in women than men. Often accompanied by bags, dark circles can make you appear older than you...

₹ 230.00

Black or dark circles under the lower eyelids are more common in women than men. Often accompanied by bags, dark circles can make you appear older than you are. They are more common in people who are elderly and have a genetic predisposition of this condition. The most common causes are mental stress and fatigue, lack of sleep, eyestrain, allergies, dehydration or over exposure to sun.

For the symptoms of dark circles under the eyes, caused due to sleep deprevation causing the skin to be dull and pale and allowing the tissues and blood vessels beneath the skin to show.

ALFALFA: It is called as "King of Herbs". It is a perennial herb having purplish flowers distributed throughout India. It is an invaluable source of vitamins and minerals like calcium, magnesium and carbohydrates. It influences nutrition, digestion thus improving physical and mental vigour. It helps in curing of dark circles due to insomnia, nervousness and restlessness.
GRAPHITES: Also known as "Black Lead" or "Plumbago". It appears as a blackish grey, soft, lustrous solid. It is indicated in patients having tendency to develop dark circles due to mental stress. The patient is very apprehensive, timid and
indecisive with the tendency to be anaemic and prostrated.
IGNATIA AMARA: Also known as "St. Ignatius Bean". It is a small tree with erect stem and opposite branches found in Philippine and China. It is very effective for dark circles in women of nervous temperament, very sensitive, easily excited dark, mild disposition and quick to perceive.
ECHINACEA RUDBECKIA: Also known as "Coneflower". It is an erect herb, 30-60 cm in height distributed in USA and Central Europe. It is highly effective in exertion. It is highly effective in patients who are very confused and depressed with dizziness.
FERRUM METALLICUM: Commonly known as "Iron". It is an odourless, greyish black fine powder. The remedy is best suited to young weak persons with dark circles, anaemic who are irritated easily and get excited by slightest opposition.

Once you start noticing the dark circles, start using Noble Black Circles E10 complex
Apply a cold compress, which helps reduce swelling and shrinks dilated blood vessels.
Get extra sleep, at least seven to eight hours per day.
Keep your mind free of tensions and unnecessary worries.
If symptoms persist, consult your physician.

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