Noble - Stay Young

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: Noble Life Energy

₹ 230.00 ₹ 235.00

Ageing is a progressive process by which throughout life, the tissues become less efficient in performing their functions. Inheritance influences the rate at which a person's tissue will...

₹ 230.00

Ageing is a progressive process by which throughout life, the tissues become less efficient in performing their functions. Inheritance influences the rate at which a person's tissue will deteriorate. The symptoms include greying of hair, muscular weakness, porosity of bones and wrinkling of skin.
Adequate physical exercise, enough sleep, recreation outdoors, regulars meals with nothing between as attitude of optimism, these habits tend to conserve vitality and improve resistance to disease. Habits which deplete ones vitality and disease risk of disease include excesses in eating, irregularly hours of sleeping. use of drugs, needless tensions and excessive use of stimulants such as coffee. tea, alcohol, nicotine and cola drinks individual may choose whether he will live in harmony with the principles which favour good health living conditions in the home also influence health. A cheerful atmosphere promotes contentment and optimism both favourable to good health and so early aging symptoms can be delayed.

Slows down the process of natural aging and helps to reduce symptoms like wrinkles on face, increased risk of infections and whitening or greying of hair.

COMPOSITION: Alfalfa, Ferrum Phosphoricum, Calcarea Phosphorica, Echinacea Rudbeckia, Natrum Muriaticum, Calcarea Phosphorica.

Start using Noble Stay Young E24.
Avoid needless tensions and be cheerful.
Exercise regularly.
Take adequate rest (sleep).
Avoid overwork and stress.
Bad habits like excess use of stimulants like alcohol, smoking harming the health should be avoided.


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