Patwa Ayurved - Painexil Oil
: Unavailable
₹ 198.00
Regular price ₹ 198.00
Painexil oil from Patwa Ayurved has best formulation containing goodness of four vaatshamak tailas , mahanarayan oil, mahavishgarbh oil, prasarani oil, panchguni oil, mahamash oil. together they act on all kinds of joint pains, swelling, numbness to give instant relief. It pacifies imbalanced Vaata dosh.
- Joint pain
- Back pain
- Pain in hands and legs
- Numbness in extrermities
- Swellling
- Muscle pull
- Weakening of nerves
- Shaking of hands and legs
Effect on Tridoshas -
Balances Vata Dosh
Gently massage over the affected areas. The massaged area should be warmly covered for better results.
Side Effects
There are no side effects of this product.
Mahanarayan Tel - 20 ml, Panchgun Tel - 10 ml, Mahavishgarbha Tel - 15 ml, Prasarani Tel - 5ml, Base Til Tel - Q.S.
Customer Care No - 9689588025
Very effective oil in most of the cases
this is very good for joint and back pain