Bilvasan is a Liver disorders weaken liver a lot and take very long to recover and normalise. Santulan - Bilvasava brings a special Jam prepared experts under guidance by Dr. Balaji Tambe, Bilvasava which is filled with the goodness of Belphal and other digestive herbs that rejuvenate cells in the liver and corrects digestive disorders. Helps in case of Anorexia. Also recommended in cases of dysentery, frequent diarrhea, hepatitis, ascites, cirrhosis of the liver and other livered-related problems (alcoholic or otherwise). Helps in cases of the synthetic drug overdose and side-effects of medicines. A jam made from Belphal and other digestive herbs that rejuvenate cells in the liver and corrects digestive disorders.
- Anorexia
- Colitis
- Dysentery - loose motions
- Gastro-Intestinal disorders
- Inflammation and Acidity
- Liver Health
- Peptic Ulcer
- Skin-related problem
- Heart-related disorder
- Poor Blood circulation
Effect on Tridosha
Help balances Vatta and Pitta dosha
One to two teaspoon with milk after its consumption. or as per doctor advice.
Side Effects
Overconsumption of Bilvasan may cause pain in the Abdomen
Fruit of Bilva 2000, dct of Kutaja 50, daruharidra 50, Tamalaki 50, Kiralatikta (Shweta Cheraita) 50, Erandpatra 50, sugar syrup base Q.S. Permitted class II preservatives
Customer Care Executive - 02114-282824
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