Allen - Vasakof Cough Syrup

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: Dr. Sarkar Allen Ayur Herbals

Regular price ₹ 100.00

Indications: Common Cold, Whooping Cough, Dry Cough, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing, Allergic Rhinitis Composition: Justicia Q, Antimonium Tart. 3x, Blatta Or. Q, Belladonna Q, Aralia Racemosa Q, Cassia Sophora...

₹ 100.00

Indications: Common Cold, Whooping Cough, Dry Cough, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing, Allergic Rhinitis

Composition: Justicia Q, Antimonium Tart. 3x, Blatta Or. Q, Belladonna Q, Aralia Racemosa Q, Cassia Sophora Q, Drosera Rotundifolia Q, Ferrum Phos. 3x, Ipecacuanha Q, Mephitis 3x, Natrum Sulph. 3x, Ocimum Sanctum Q, Passiflora Q, Stramonium Q, Zingiber Off. Q, Alcohol in syrup and sweetener base

Presentation: 100 ml

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