cough and cold syrup
Lords - Koughcure Tablets
1 review
: Unavailable
₹ 137.00
Regular price ₹ 137.00
For irritating, dry productive, continuos, productive, spasmodic cough associated with headache and fever. Koughcure Tablets provide relief from dry, spasmodic cough associated with headache and fever. COMPOSITION: Each...
For irritating, dry productive, continuos, productive, spasmodic cough associated with headache and fever.
Koughcure Tablets provide relief from dry, spasmodic cough associated with headache and fever.
COMPOSITION: Each tablet contains equal proportion of - Bryonia Alba 3x, IPECACUANHA 3X, Antimonium Tart. 6x, Phospohorous 6x, Drosera Rot. Q, Justica Ad. 2x, Excipients q.s. to 550mg.
yug jadhav not give best result for me. not quick result