Detoxifies the eccrine and apocrine (sweat) glands and improves the functioning of the skin for better excretion of toxic materials such as carbon-dioxide, salt, urea, fats and ammonia.
EUPHRASIA OFFICINALIS: Commonly known as eyebright, Euphrasia is a plant native to Europe and North America.
SILICEA: Commonly known as Silica, it is a mineral prepared from silicon dioxide found in flint and sandstones.
NATRUM MURIATICUM: It is also known as common salt and is derived from the sea.
KALI MURIATICUM: It is commonly known as potassium chloride and is a metal halide salt composed of potassium and chlorine. It is extracted from ground via potash mining.
CALCAREA FLUORICA: Also known as fluoride of lime, it is a chemical union of lime and fluoric acid.
CALCAREA PHOSPHORICA: Commonly known as Calcium phosphate, it is a family of materials and minerals containing calcium ions with inorganic phosphate ions.
If you notice the signs and symptoms of Skin toxicity, start using Noble
Dermatox E005 complex immediately. Eat a balanced diet. Select food from all food groups: grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, milk and oil. Eat more food with fiber. Exercise helps the skin to remove toxins. .
Drink lots of water and avoid alcohol, foods high in fat, salt and sugar. Avoid food, drinks, perfumes and other allergic stimulant that irritate your
skin and increase itching.
If symptoms persist, consult your physician.