Effective in Menorrhagia and Leucorrhoea
It is an uterine tonic. It corrects menstrual disorders. It also has digestive, blood purifier and laxative properties.
LODHRASAV by SANDU is a classical ayurvedic preparation. Lodhra is the key ingredient which has properties like laxative, coolant, hemostatic, astringent and hemostatic. Hence it can be used in bleeding disorders
INDICATIONS: Useful in burning micturition, intermittent urination, anaemia, anorexia, vertigo, etc.
DOSE: 15 - 20 ml with equal quantity of water twice daily after meals or As directed by the physicianIndications -
Menorrhogia, leucorrhoea, skin diseares, bleeding piles, grahani (Irritable bowel syndrome)
Ingredients -
Symplocos racemosa, Mersdenia tenacissima, Hedychium spicatium, embelia ribes, clerodendrum serratam, valeriana wallichii, Holarrhens antidysenterica (seeds), Areca catechce, Callicarpa macrophylla etc