Noble - Diarrin

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: Noble Life Energy

₹ 230.00 ₹ 235.00

Indiscretions in eating or drinking can cause much trouble especially in warm weather. The common ailment caused by carelessness in this respect is inflammation of intestines and chiefly...

₹ 230.00

Indiscretions in eating or drinking can cause much trouble especially in warm weather. The common ailment caused by carelessness in this respect is inflammation of intestines and chiefly result in diarrhoea. Several types of bacteria can enter the body through contaminated food or water and cause diarrhoea Common bacteria that cause diarrhoea include Campylobacter, Escherichia coli (E. coli), Salmonella, and Shigella The first sign of trouble is usually colic pain in abdomen. There may be fever, loss of appetite and intensive thirst. If these conditions continue very long, prostration, loss of weight and impairment of general health will result.
Diarrhoea is especially harmful to babies. In infants and young children, the cause is usually contaminated milk or carelessness in preparing their food, in older children, overindulgence in candy, soft drinks, pastries or any other food may be responsible. In adults, the cause may be these or other indiscretions in diet. Contaminated food with flies and also emotional tensions may cause diarrhoea.

Helps in diarrhoeal symptoms when bowel movements become loose and watery usually more than three times a day.


At the onset of symptoms, start using Noble Diarrin E40 complex.

  • In case of babies, it is more important to determine the severity of conditions to avoid complications in an infant for mild diarrhoea, temporary reduction in feeding by mouth will often be helpful but taking care that the infant should not become dehydrated.
  • Inability to assimilate milk (milk intolerance) may be the cause in all age patients of diarrhoea due to lack of enzyme lactase. So eliminate milk from to the diet.
  • Take proper balanced diet including fruits, vegetables etc. Avoid fried and greasy foods.
  • For babies it is safer to give boiled water and feeding bottle should be sterilized. .
  • In severe cases, consult the physician.

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