Laghu Malini Vasanta Rasa is an Ayurvedic medicine in tablet or powder form. It is used in the treatment of chronic fever, menorrhagia, eye disorders etc. It balances the Pitta doshas hence it is an effective medicine to treat the pitta disorders.
Laghu Malini Vasanta Rasa is very effective Ayurvedic formulation for pitta diseases. This is an effective natural remedy for body heat and indicated in health issues where pitta and rakta vitiation is there.
This Ayurvedic medicine is useful remedy to manage the chronic fever as well as good to use in intermittent fever as in case of malaria. It is also helpful in dealing with female health related problems. It is able to manage menorrhagia, controls the bleeding and supports the proper flow during mensuration. It also provides relief from the problems in leucorrhea, reduces the excessive vaginal discharge. It is even suitable Ayurvedic remedy to cope up with problems arising during pregnancy, as it is very helpful to stabilize the fetus, thereby reduces the tendency of abortion.
It is also supportive in combating bleeding disorders like, hemorrhoids, anal fistula and colitis. It stops bleeding and provides soothing effects to body up to a great extent.
Ingredients - Jasad Bhasma 10 parts, Maricha 5 parts, Navneet 1 part